Friday, December 7, 2012

Guatemala team's last day

Today the well was completed and dedicated to God and the community.  It ended up being 205' deep and has the capability of providing a high flow rate.

The team packed up their belongings, checked out of the motel where they were staying and arrived at the site at 7 AM like they have the other mornings.  When they arrived, they found that the concrete pad for the pump had been completed and the dedication plaque mounted.  The team installed the pump internals and assembled the pump housing while the community prepared the site for the dedication ceremony.

The ceremony lasted about 90 minutes.  One of the community pastors sang three hymns and another pastor gave a message based on Exodus 17 where the Israelites were grumbling against Moses and God for not having water when leaving Egypt.  The President of the community thanked the team, Chapelwood and Living Water for the gift of the well.  Jamie, the Living Water lead driller, Victor Resendiz and several other team members shared the joy they have had in working and playing in the community and sharing God's love.

As the team departed, many hugs and well wishes were shared.  The team returned to Antigua this afternoon and will spend Friday exploring the city before returning to Houston on Saturday.
Los Doce

Children with the completed well

Beautiful plate presented to the team by the community.

Los Doce with the well!

Dedication ceremony watching the water and living water flow.

The pastor leading in singing and prayer.

Prayer dedication of the new well.

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