Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday - our last full day

Today the boys were back to school, so we were up extra-early preparing breakfast.  Five of them left at 6:30 a.m. The rest were gone by 7:30 a.m. A little after 8:00 a.m., two of the boys came back from school. Apparently, their teacher was not in today, so their class did not meet. It's amazing how different the education system is in Mexico -- not quite as strict as in the U.S.

After more cleaning and laundry, Hope and Steve took our team to the market in Tapachula, which is completely new. It was quite an experience to see all of the different kinds of fruit and vegetables, not to mention the knick-knacks that tourists usually like to buy. We also visited the Gramlich coffee shop, where fresh coffee is sold, along with chocolate-covered coffee beans, jams and jellies, coffee cups, even a little jewelry. Finally, we went to a local pottery store. Everyone was able to find something for loved ones at home, or for themselves.

When we returned to the home, we ate a delicious lunch of Pollo Estafado (stove-top chicken), which is like a chicken stew with vegetables. Then we took some time to  just enjoy our last day with the boys.

Before dinner, Becky gave our last devotional to the boys on the fruit of the spirit Patience. The girls joined us from down the street and together with the boys, gave us a proper farewell. Some of them spoke about how thankful they were for our team and what we had done for them this week.  They sang a very special song for us then we sang "Blest be the Tie That Binds" for them, and gave them a general translation of the words.

It was a bit of a sad time, but these children know that our team will be back again next year.


  1. I have loved reading the blog the past week. While it looks like work, I can tell by the blog notes and pictures that everyone is working well together and enjoying being with the kids. My prayers have been with you and hope for a safe journey back home.

  2. Thanks, Colleen! Sad to leave today, but it's time to go...
