Thursday, January 23, 2014

Finishing Our First Day

Yesterday, we had a full day of figuring out our jobs in the boys' home. Everyone had a great time, and somehow all of the work was accomplished.  Clay and Bernie worked tirelessly on a roof project with Steve Shearouse, our missionary host. Flory and Susan worked with Hope Shearouse in the kitchen all day, preparing delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner for the team and the boys. Wendy, Karen, and Kathie washed and folded tons of laundry; Paige and Haidee cleaned, especially the boys' bedrooms and bathrooms. All of the boys help out around the house and are familiar with every aspect of housework. Since their schools meet at different times throughout the day, there are always several at home at any given time. We also were able to take time out to play with the boys, read to them, and take them to the park in the afternoon.

Last night's devotional was given by Flory, who talked about how lucky the boys were to be in a place where love for Christ and each other is planted very early. She said that she has enjoyed watching how those seeds are now bearing fruit, and she looks forward to seeing more good fruit for years to come. The boys began discussing how the older boys lead them, and several named Elvis as their example. Elvis had left the home for two years and came back about three months ago after some very difficult time on the street. He is the oldest of five brothers who live in the home. In a superior example of humility, he told the younger boys that he was glad that they looked up to him, but that they need to understand that he has faults as well. So, when they use him as an example, watch the good and not the bad, because he does not want them to make the same mistakes that he has made. Elvis said that his example has always been Ulysis, who is the oldest boy in the home.  Ulysis is finishing his college studies now. He has been studying English, and wants to teach.

The day wrapped up as the team shared where they had seen grace and hope in all that we did. Many of us are inspired by Hope and Steve's dedication to this ministry, and their love for the children here.  Haidee's son had been taken to the hospital in the afternoon because of a bad stomach sickness and high fever. Our prayers were answered when we found out during dinner that he was much better and had returned home. In all of these ways and many more our team is bonding, with each other and with the children here.

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